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Jala Jala Treats

Sharon Brindley is a Yamatji/Noongar women who founded Cooee Cafe, which is the only Indigenous owned cafe on the Mornington Peninnsula, Victoria, then in 2020, Sharon extended this cafe into her wholesale business Jala Jala Treats (with her chocolates being included in some of Aggie Gifts boxes).

Sharon learnt from her grandmother how to live off the land and to cook Indigenous ingredients, which she shares through her businesses. Indigenous foods (or bushfoods) are a continued unknown for most Australians, so Sharon is passionate about promoting the true flavours of Australia and showcase their health benefits.

If you'd like to visit her cafe, check it out online here.

Impact & Community

  • Impact Mission:Bringing unique flavours from the Australian bush to Australia
  • What does Jala Jala mean? Very Good, in Sharon's Wajarri language
  • Impact Areas:Empower Indigenous Communities, Ethically Sourced Bushfoods, Environmentally Sustainable, Inclusive Communities, Bushfood Education
  • Where they work:Bunurong Country, VIC
  • Community Size:1